Mga pakinabang ng malt barley


Barley is one of the oldest plants known to humans. It was used to make bread and to feed animals. It was known during the reign of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) as talaabeen. This plant contains many therapeutic properties for many diseases and relieves feelings of depression.

Barley Hawalli belongs to the wheat family, but it is characterized by wheat ability to withstand the conditions of dry or cold. Barley contains a high proportion of fiber that helps to feel full, and these fibers remain long in the digestive system and are digested slowly and thus regulate the weight, and barley works to reduce blood sugar levels after eating and therefore reduces the storage of fat in the body, Abdominal area, barley also contains many vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and the protein found in barley excels wheat in the proportion and quality of amino acids.

Benefits of malt barley

  • Barley increases the feeling of satiety, and thus reduces the intake of food.
  • Barley contains beta-glucan fibers that slow digestion and reduce carbohydrate uptake.
  • Barley contains unsaturated fatty acids, which work to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, thus reducing the amount of fat in the body.
  • Barley can be eaten in many forms, either by deworming, by adding barley flour to bread, or by brewing barley after roasting and grinding barley; all of these mixtures are very useful for sorghum.

Barley Ingredients

  • Barley contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, sugar, barley is considered a crop that has a significant positive impact on human health.
  • Barley leaves contain high amounts of beta-carotene, vitamin B group, and folic acid.
  • Barley contains vitamin C higher than citrus about seven times.
  • Barley leaves contain compounds that act on compounds that support the immune system and stimulate secretion of the endocrine glands.
  • Barley contains calcium, zinc, phosphorus and iron, which is superior to that found in spinach.
  • The protein found in barley is a complete protein that contains most of the essential amino acids.
  • Barley contains linoleic acid. This acid acts on energy production, controls growth, affects brain function, enters the formation of cell membranes, and saves the body from fatigue and exhaustion. This acid also reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.