Pinya sa Burn Fat


Pineapple is a magical fruit in terms of its nutritional benefits, especially in helping to lose weight and keep young skin.

Benefits of pineapple

1. Lower blood pressure: The first to reduce blood pressure, one cup of it contains 1 mg of sodium and 195 mg of potassium.

2. Helps to lose weight: Eating pineapples helps to reduce sweets because of its natural sweetness, and saves you from artificial sugar and calories. The introduction of pineapple in meals will help to reduce weight because it makes you feel full quickly without taking one gram of fat.

3. Maintain eye health: Studies have shown that it protects the health of the eyes from diseases that affect aging, because it is rich in antioxidants.

4. It fights many diseases because it is rich in vitamin c: is known for its richness of vitamin C, which protects the body from the free radicals that hit the cells. It is also an excellent fighter for the cold and supportive of the immune system.

5. Prevents plaque in the mouth and keeps teeth healthy: Pineapple rich in vitamin C protects against plaque formation in the mouth.

6. Constipation: Pineapple is rich in fiber, making it effective in treating constipation and abnormal movement in the intestines.

7. The skin is beautiful: Ananas contains enzymes that make the skin more supple, increases the moisturizing of the skin and removes damaged and dead cells. These enzymes also fight free radical damage and reduce the dark spots and wrinkles caused by aging.


This diet relies on pineapple juice and kiwi to burn fat from the body.

How to make pineapple juice

  • A cup of pineapple juice without sugar or preservatives (there are juices in the market, such as Caesar, which is important in the juice to be without sugar)
  • Two kiwi peels
  • Lemon juice (can be dispensed with)
  • The mixture of juicy juice is taken instead of the evening meal

Breakfast and Lunch System for Pineapple Dieting Program:

First and second day

  • Breakfast: Apple text + coffee or Nescafe or Latte without milk or sugar (possible sugar rajim)
  • Lunch: Two apples
  • Dinner: pineapple juice and kiwi

The third and fourth day

  • Breakfast: text of a box of yogurt + coffee or Nescafe or Latte without milk or sugar (possible sugar Rajim)
  • Lunch: tray and yogurt
  • Dinner: pineapple juice and kiwi

Day 5 and 6

  • Breakfast: coffee or Nescafe or Latte without milk or sugar (possible sugar Rajim)
  • Lunch: lettuce in any quantity
  • Dinner: pineapple juice and kiwi

The seventh and eighth day

  • Breakfast: coffee or Nescafe or Latte without milk or sugar (possible sugar Rajim)
  • Lunch: 2 chicken breast or the same amount of meat (boiled or roasted without skin or oil)
  • Dinner: pineapple juice and kiwi

This diet is tough and needs a strong determination to achieve the goal and get rid of excess weight, , I have to exercise with dieting and then not to return the weight you lost.
Fresh pineapple eat it before basic meals and if you can not eat it mix it with blender with a glass of pineapple juice caesar or diced or unsweetened spring and drink a cup of the rate of the text before eating, it helps to burn fat in the body and the meal that you eat.